Words which appear
- Picture presents
- Production presents
- Film by
- Actors/Actresses
- Film based on true story
- Date/Setting - New York 1970
- Title
- Excutive Producer
- Based on book
- Screenplay by
- Produced by
- Directed by
- White coloured font on black background
- After killing - format colour turns to red over black background
- Words moving across screen representing movement of a car - speeds past then focuses on writing
- Capitals
- Black background with credits on it - movement representing car movement
- Focuses on the scene of 3 men in car, they pull over and kill man in boot
- Screen then goes black focusing on red coloured title and some more credits
- You see the main actors, but storyline isnt given away, you only know the film is based on gangsters
- Sound effect of speeding car - effective behind moving words
- Engin of car
- Minimal speaking from actors
- Sound of action - gun shots/knife stabbings
- No music until 1.55 minutes into credits after horrific killing scene
- Music by Tony Bennett - 'Rags to Riches'